Spaces was founded in Amsterdam in 2008. For founder Martijn Roordink, the most productive time is not in the office, but in mobile vehicles. He believes that there are many people in the world who like open space and being surrounded by others, so he founded Spaces. With the rise of the sharing economy and entrepreneurial trends, the demand for shared workspaces is increasing. And the service target is no longer limited to freelance workers or start-up companies. Uber, Amazon, Facebook and Twitter are all Spaces customers.


Spaces 2008 年於阿姆斯特丹創立。對創辦人 Martijn Roordink 來說,最有生產力的時候並不是在辦公室,而是在移動的交通工具上。他相信世界上還有許多人與他一樣,喜歡開放空間、被人圍繞的感覺,於是創立了 Spaces。隨著共享經濟、創業風潮的崛起,共享工作空間的需求越來越大。而服務對象也不再僅限於自由工作者或新創公司,Uber、Amazon、Facebook 與 Twitter 都是 Spaces 的客戶。




Work is composed of people and various ideas. Spaces is stationed by forward-looking thinkers, innovators, and people who can change the situation and have the confidence to achieve their goals. The free atmosphere attracts a vibrant community. The members are all positive and open-minded business thinkers, and they like to meet new friends. Whether you are a small business, an entrepreneur or an in-house entrepreneur, Spaces attaches great importance to the relationship between members Accumulation, regular exchange activities will be held, social business clubs will be established to enhance communication among professionals, and there will also be opportunities to get to know workers from other countries and increase opportunities for cross-border connections. The comprehensive plan planning includes professional activities and welcome services, as well as the exquisite European design inspired by the business club, allowing everyone to be immersed in the atmosphere and vitality of Spaces and feel at home.


工作就是由人和各種想法組成,Spaces 是由具前瞻性想法的思想家、創新家,以及能夠改變局勢,並有自信達成自我目標的人士進駐。自由氛圍吸引了活力十足的社群,成員均為正向且心態開放的商務思想家,而他們喜愛認識新朋友,無論您屬於小型企業、創業家或是企業內部創業家,Spaces 十分重視會員人際關係的累積,會定期舉辦交流活動,成立社交商業俱樂部,增進專業人士的交流,同時也會有能夠認識其他國他工作者的機會,增加跨國連結的機會。全方位方案規劃涵括專業活動和迎賓服務,以及商務俱樂部激發靈感的歐式精緻設計,能讓大家沈浸在 Spaces 的氛圍和活力之中,感覺賓至如歸。




The changes in business models and technology have not only brought about the transformation of work patterns, more office workers are no longer restricted, and they are unwilling to be restricted by the nine-to-five framework. But under the double test of rent pressure and hardware equipment, it is not easy to break away from the framework. The dreams of freelance work, remote work, and entrepreneurship are often restricted. The flexible office space we create has a unique entrepreneurial spirit, which helps you think, create and cooperate with each other, and also help you solve the problem of rent and hardware equipment; at the same time, our friendly team will also take care of all the logistics behind you And service, Spaces will ensure that our community can concentrate on leading the business forward.


商業模式與科技技術的變遷,不只帶來工作型態的轉換,更多的上班族不再受限,也不願受限於朝九晚五的框架。但在租金壓力與硬體設備的雙重考驗下,跳脫框架談何容易,自由工作者、遠端工作、創業的夢想往往受到限制。我們打造的靈活型辦公空間具有獨特的創業精神,有助您思考、創造並相互合作,一併幫您解決租金與硬體設備的問題;同時我們友善的團隊也會在背後為您打點所有物流和服務,Spaces 會確保我們的社群能夠專心帶領業務向前邁進。




Spaces bases are located in 3,000 locations in 60 countries around the world. As long as you become a member of Spaces, you can get a global pass to travel around Spaces bases around the world, which is very convenient for business travelers and freelancers.


Spaces 據點遍布全球 60 個國家、3,000 個據點,只要成為 Spaces 的會員,就如同獲得一張全球通行證,可遊走於全世界 Spaces 的據點,對出差人士、自由工作者來說是非常方便。


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